About a month ago, I hit a hard spot in my life. Financially, I am barely getting by. Emotionally, I was getting tired of the same old routines. At work, I reached my breaking point and realized that something in my life had to change. I went to bed one night thinking my life was always going to be like this. Then I had a breakthrough. What was stopping me from just packing up and leaving? I had my diploma, finished my TEFL courses, was dealing with another bad break-up, and had great connections waiting for me in Spain. It became so incredibly clear. Just do it... just buy a ticket and move to Spain.
As soon as possible, I was on Skype with Dani discussing my new found clarity. I simply asked if it was possible for me to move to Spain by June. His response, "Absolutely!" We talked about some possible kinks like finding private tutoring sessions, receiving my british passport, preparing my CV, searching for a flat... But within an hour, everything was set and all I had to do was buy the plane ticket. The plan was for mid-June but airfare was a bit out of my price range. (go figure) So I discouragingly looked at flights later and later in the summer. The prices of airfare rose and rose. Then Dani asked if I could come earlier than mid-June. Sure enough I found a flight leaving May 28th for less than $300! However, it was already the first week of May. But nothing was stopping me now. I booked it!
What next? Breaking the news to my family. Some took it suprisingly well, others were shocked and confused. I've talked about going abroad for so long now that most starting believing that all it would ever amount to is 'talk'. Overall, I was lucky to receive my family and friends support on my decision. I put my notice in at work and they trained my replacement. I finished my CV and made flyers for my private tutoring. I shopped for new professional 'European-style' outfits. Dani helped me out immensely on his end in Spain. He called around for flats (apartments) that needed renters and found me various schools/ websites to send my CV when I arrived.
As the days passed, I worked as much as possible to hopefully get a little cushion of money while I settled into Spain. Then I realized how many of the little things I overlooked. Mostly getting my bills and banking situation figured out. Like: my student loans are overwhelming, what if I dont make enough my first few months in Spain? I called and told the companies my situation and I was eligible for forebearance. Deferrment of a loan means you stop making payments and don't incrue extra interest (usually for medical, educational, military reasons) Forebearence of a loan means you stop making payments but the interest of the loan continues to incrue (usually for unemployment, economic hardship or personal reasons) Deferrment in the better of the 2; however, most people are only eligible for forbearance. This at least gives me a few months to get settled and not worry where I'm going to get an extra $700/mo.
Banking was another situation that caused some headache. My bills and loans must be paid from a US bank so what is the easiest way to get money from a Spanish account to my US account? The only away apart from mailing personal checks home for my family to deposit on my behalf and wait the 1-2 weeks for international checks to clear is wire transfers. They can be done online in minutes; however, each transfer costs $15-50 depending on the bank. But transferring large sums would be less stressful in the long run.
Then I had to call every credit/debit card to inform them of my move abroad. Most banks charge an extra percentage when you use your cards abroad and an extra dollar amount when you go to an ATM. I had to figure out what I was doing with my cell phone. I decided just to get a pay-as-you-go phone in Spain so Im not tempted to call friends from my US phone. This is the preferred cell method for most young Spaniards.
These were the majority of the pains I encountered. Other things like cancelling my gym membership and figuring what I needed to pack were tiny other things that I finished in my last few days here in America.
My family and friends had a great going away party for me. Memorial Day was my last day of work and now I am hours away from departing. Saying my goodbyes wasn't as hard as I thought because I know that I have full support from everyone. Plus, with technology today, I know my family and friends are a click or Skype call away. So my next blog will be from the imperial city of Toledo. The city I have daydreamed about for over a year... a daydream that in less than 24 hours will be my new reality!
My advice for anyone is to follow your dreams. You'll be amazed at where they can take you!
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