I officially survived my first Halloween in Spain. Well, there's really not much to survive as most of what is celebrated comes from the American traditions. Anyways, last year I wasn't able to take part in Spain's version of Halloween as I was back in Chicago for my aunt's wedding. So this year, I was really looking forward to see what kind of show Madrid puts on for this event. I must admit that I had lowered my standards for a few reasons: 1.) Halloween has always been my favorite holiday so I take it very seriously 2.) My university boosts to reputation of having the US's best Halloween! (GO BOBCATS) 3.) I normally spend a minimum of 5 weeks planning out my costume, decorations and plans for that weekend.
I knew that Spain would never come close to my past experiences but I was still looking forward to having a good time. This year Halloween fell on a Sunday. For all you Catholics, November 1st is Dia de los Santos (All Saint's Day). Therefore being in Catholic Spain, that Monday was a national holiday which meant no work. Considering this, my friends and I decided to go out big on Halloween night. Friday and Saturday I took it pretty easy as I wasn't feeling 100% and I wanted to be well rested for Sunday.
We started rather early at around 4:30 to get ready. We all met at my friend K's house to do our makeup. The week before, we discussed our costumes and plans. Each of us chose an average person like a cop, biker, schoolgirl, ect... then we would ZOMBIE-FY the heck out of it.

We headed out at about 10 to get a few more drinks and tapas. As we strolled the streets, almost every person stopped to stare at the spectacle we were. (Again I must reiterate that Halloween is not anywhere as popular as it is in America) After, we stopped again at K's house to do make-up touches and eat some dinner. Then we found more friends and went to a Halloween costume party nearby. By 1ish, we left to hit some more bars and clubs... most of which I don't really remember. I took my Zombie-self home around 4am in a taxi wondering why the driver was giving me such weird looks! Then as I got into my apartment building and caught my reflection, I realised how ridiculous I looked. hahaha I had already forgotten that I was covered in zombie gook. I poured myself in bed with delight at how well that night had been.
I must say that Madrid definitely beat my expectations I had had for Halloween. No, it's nothing like America but Spain always knows how to throw one crazy party!
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